October 13, 2008

The Art of Hosting

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 6:01 pm

The title, “The Art of Hosting”, might bring Martha Stewart to mind, but that would be a different connotation from the one I have just encountered. There is a site,, that focuses on holding conversations that matter.  One page summarized the essentials of what it takes to have good conversations about what matters most to us:


* live now what future you want to create

* be in the present

* do not host it alone – be a good team of hosts

* focus on questions that matters

* go into conversation about what really matters by listening deeply to each other – beyond the words

* allow all voices to be heard so the collective intelligence can surface

* co host a good process that allows everyone to learn about themselves – each other & the purpose

* harvest good essences

* do not act before clarity & wisdom have come

* do not fear chaos – it is creative space where the new order can be born

* go through your fear however it manifests

Please visit this site & see if it inspires you, as well! Were we to approach group dynamics, listening skills, & leadership skills with these essentials in mind, what might we achieve?  More.  Much more.

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