December 13, 2008

The Virtual Coffee House

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 10:08 pm

Recently, the Alaska Distance Learning Network (akDLN) went live (  It is a virtual coffee house replete with an electronic file cabinet (think about it: a place to meet and chat equipped with a place to store the stuff you are discussing or referencing).  The akDLN also hosts courses for clients.  For example, we train health aides in Alaskan villages using this site, company employees using Outlook, others wants to improve management skills (stress management and time management included), and many others via custom-built courses.

Visit the site. If you wish, go through the “portal” and see the akDLN’s list of courses.  Many of them will be locked for secure access by enrolled learners only, but a few are open for you to explore.  Contact or if the akDLN sparks your creative thought on how to develop the knowledge base of your company or organization! In addition to the ‘portal’, there are white papers regarding adult learning that you can access via

The timing of this debut is no accident.  It is a gift offered by most wonderful colleagues and friends whose desire to see the akDLN live led to an incredible blending of talents and skills.  Gratfulness abounds at the akDLN!

December 3, 2008

Assisting Nonprofit Organizations: This is What Professionals Do

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 8:27 am

So many Alaska-based nonprofits need a little help to keep going strong.  We all chip in now and then, but what if there was a way to give and not feel the pinch?  Might you give a little more?  Visit to see how you can name selected groups to receive part of your PFD (dividend) — the idea is innovative and smart: you can do something for your community without a lot of effort.

What are the nonprofits you want to support or already support?  Let’s talk – share your comments and tell of your experience with the Pick, Click, Give idea.

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