June 15, 2009

Summer in the City – Anchorage and Twitter

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 6:32 am

Summer in Anchorage – some days seem like it, others feel like late August with autumn in the air.  But for now, things are in high gear. As a small business owner, I see plenty of opportunity and plenty of activity!  Recently, the Social Media Marketing group met to discuss Twitter as a tool for business promotion – and nearly twenty active participants talked excitedly while the speaker presented.

Twitter thrives on messages of 140 or fewer characters.  Plenty of tweets take place in a flurry.  It seems to me Twitter is affecting our etiquette: didn’t we normally listen to one person at a time and wait our turn? The short electronic bursts as a way of communicating seems to be carrying over to live conversation.

And Twitter, to some, seems mystifying.  What is the value of a sentence?  What happened to the treatise, the opus, the missive?  To me, Twitter seems faddish, and I think it will morph to something more.  Right now it has the feel of electronic excitement, but little content.  At one point, I felt as if it were a new form of the value-pak advertisements that land in my mailbox once every four – six weeks, unbidden…a pack of ads addressing restaurants, dental care, car care, home improvement, you name it.  Very Twitter like in their brevity.

But I am remaining a Twitter fan. Once in, I vowed to understand what it does to our social interface, if nothing else!  So visit my Twitter sites at  and the one for ASTD Alaska at  Two will give you something to compare. 
The first one discusses topics such as my management consulting and  bed and breakfast business; the second one is for American Society for Training and Development Alaska Chapter, a group I serve as their president.

Check into Twitter – let me know what you think.  Is it like summer in Alaska or is it here for the long haul?

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