Transition Management...a consulting company
...conveying the message of change in companies & careers
The History...
Transition Management was founded in 1975 by Mary M, Rydesky, MLS, MBA. An information management expert in healthcare, Ms. Rydesky achieved her MBA in marketing & organizational behavior at Southern Methodist University. She has worked in academic, non-profit, & start-up organizations as well as publicly traded, global firms. She has experienced first-hand the impact of the IPO process, downsizing, & merger on employee productivity & morale.
A Certified Public Relations & Marketing Professional since 1994, Ms. Rydesky has written numerous articles & texts. As a popular seminar instructor & process facilitator she has developed change-oriented presentations for survivors of the current round of lay-offs — both those who stay with the firm & those who re-enter the job market. She has taught business administration courses including Business Communications & Marketing at UT Southwestern Medical School. In Alaska, she developed MBA and undergraduate programs for onsite and distance delivery to business students of Alaska Pacific University. Most popular of her courses at APU have been Informatics, Services Marketing, & student Internships customized for local business partners. Ms. Rydesky speaks at venues throughout the country on the tools of communication & information management for executives & managers.
In 2011, Ms. Rydesky gained a relationship through Insignia/Inverness/GBX in fulfillment of a Dept. of Labor contract to provide career transition services at military bases. She presents up to four Transition Assistance Program sessions per month on Alaska’s installations. She was selected as one of the first Senior Trainers, training others on the newly revised program that anchors the new five day curriculum that initiated in 2013. Today, she has trained more than 1500 military personnel in the processes of career management.
Her civilian clients (for career coaching) include individuals from private and non-profit industries at all stages of their careers, and she manages distance delivery of training for companies as an out-sourced service. Evenings, she teaches in the Business Management curriculum for WBU and UAA, specializing in leadership and organizational behavior.
Some of the projects addressed by Transition Management are chronicled here.