Transition Management...a consulting company
...conveying the message of change in companies & careers
Consultative Partnering With Transition Management Consulting
Consultant friends, is your business focus aligned with Transition Management’s? Do you offer services from a perspective that, if we joined forces, could enhance the value to clients? Please contact us regarding partnering!
Important Traits of Transition Management Partners
Transition Management is lean, meaning overhead costs are tightly controlled. Relying on employees & contractors creates an ‘on demand’ talent base for meeting client needs. We emphasize quality through assessment of business partnerships that rest on a solid foundation & are time tested.
What qualities are sought when establishing partnerships?
- Integrity in meeting agreements
- Balance between client needs & truth in assessing what can be delivered
- Commitment to meeting both deadlines & quality requirements, asking for assistance before the need is critical
- Constancy in communication
As consultants, we utilize appreciative inquiry in asking the right questions, assessing the strengths in equal measure with the weaknesses, then reflecting personally & with the team before making suggestions. These are the hallmarks of our work.
Contracting Guidelines