Transition Management

conveying the message of change in companies & careers

Transition Management...a consulting company
...conveying the message of change in companies & careers

More tools for managing your career
** Organizer for My Life Story Autobiography
** - two column analysis of job ad
** - Networking Business Cards
** - sample cover letter
** New - any feedback, users?
** Sample for government jobs
** - sample spreadsheet for recording your contacts, communications, and results
Civilian background
Transitioning Servicemembers Tip Sheet by Dave Decker
2020 revision; /word
A spreadsheet for starting the home budget
continuing education on career management - new name is Work It Daily
** - book recommended by a participant in 2014
Blog on military to civilian transitions
** - when the offer is running, see the yellow button on this page for up to a year at no charge for premium services
video by Lindsey Pollak on LinkedIn
tool for mil to civ translation
military and civilian terms and phrases
** - Office of the Secretary of Defense - This calculator will compute your regular military compensation based on your inputs. Regular military compensation is the approximate amount of an equivalent civilian salary.
D O L E W 2021
E F C T 2021
** - draft your personal mission statement
sample resumes
sample resume
sample networking business card
social media in military career transitions
Service Specific TAP links!
Feds Hire Vets
Are you a Vet? Do you qualify?
PHA's 11 minute pitch