Learning Management, Knowledge Management
Can you integrate learning into all phases of work? How do you build & retain the knowledge your staff & management have amassed over time? The answers to these questions fuel innovation & ability to become distinctive among your competitors. Transition Management Consulting has a long history of delivering systems & solutions that integrate learning management & knowledge management. These solutions are customized, not one-size-fits-all quick fixes. We tailor your workforce development opportunities to meet regulatory compliance requirements & more. Our approach integrates a multi-generational communications approach that incorporates seeing, listening, & doing (visual, aural, & kinesthetic) methods. We employ LEAN techniques. As a result, the learner increases the potential for actual learning.
Further, we work with you to measure the value of time & expense devoted to training activities.
Our goal is to structure learning so that your mission (and bottom line) feel the impact. You are making an investment when you train; why not know the return?
We partner with the Alaska Distance Learning Network to manage training. The akDLN offers distance learning as well as management of onsite events & records retention so that you know what & when you invested in whom. Need to know who completed all regulatory training prior to report filing? The akDLN makes it possible & efficient!
Further, we partner with members of the American Society for Training and Development, particularly those participating in the Alaska Statewide Trainers and Developers organization. These professionals understand adult learning, instructional design, Web 2.0 technologies for e-learning, & how sustainability is affected by learning management.
Knowledge Management, Learning Management
By working with your staff & management, Transition Management consultants offer ways to capture, index, & retrieve the steps & processes known to select individuals. When you need to replace staff, process maps a& related tools can be relied upon to make the change both easier & complete. If your organization strives to retain ‘corporate knowledge’ that extends beyond static procedure manuals, we apply electronic tools & knowledge management best practices.Now that learning is both a value & a system at your organization, how do you capture the knowledge as a resource?
In times of economic challenge, capturing the information that makes your organization compete is timely. You ensure continuity through information management, even when you downsize your products & services for a time. Transition Management consultants meet with you to assess the time sensitivity of your challenge, then to suggest a process for moving forward.

...conveying the message of change in companies & careers