August 9, 2009

Metrics, Mental Health, & Use of Visuals

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Mary Rydesky @ 11:57 pm

Have you seen the latest version of the little program you can run on your iPhone and iTouch as a tool to strengthen your mental state?

It is called Optimism for Mental Health. Here is what they say about the item: {It is} “a quick, easy to use application that is powerful in helping you
understand your mental health. It is used for recovering from
depression and other illnesses, for maintaining good health, and as a
self-help tool.

Optimism helps you to be proactive about your health. By
monitoring patterns in your life you can identify the triggers that
cause a decline in well-being, early warning signs of the decline, and
the inputs or activities that benefit you most.”

If a tool can be portable enough for mobile use, offer easy to use instructions, and provide visuals to guide a user’s personal decisions, it will be immensely popular.

Now my question is…why do we not develop this sort of application for managing change in the job?  Sure that, too, can be done!  If you were to use the Optimism tool as the model, what would you include to measure and how would it create transition that is more effective?

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